博埃里建筑设计事务所 衍庆里时尚中心改造,魔都风尚新地标

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设计师推荐 博埃里建筑设计事务所 衍庆里时尚中心改造,魔都风尚新地标_3551594博埃里建筑设计事务所 衍庆里时尚中心改造,魔都风尚新地标,SBA,博埃里建筑设计事务所,StefanoBoeri,斯坦法诺博埃里,地中海文化艺术中心,文化设施,研究机构,地中海档案馆,文化建筑,博物馆百联集团时尚中心衍庆里项目描述:Project Description:衍庆里时尚中心改造,魔都风尚新地标Renovation of Suzhou South Road NO. 955-991 Bailian Group Fashion Center YanQingLi“优秀的历史建筑保护修缮应兼顾保护与利用,在保护优秀历史建筑价值的前提下,合理使用其建筑功能,发掘其社会价值,实现可持续利用。”博埃里建筑设计事务所创始人建筑师斯坦法诺·博埃里(Stefano Boeri)说道。"Preservation and restoration of excellent historical buildings should give consideration to both protection and utilization. On the premise of protecting the value of excellent historical buildings, reasonable use of their architectural functions should be made to explore their social value and realize sustainable utilization. “Said Stefano Boeri, founder architect of Stefano Boeri Architetti.衍庆里建于1929年,位于上海市黄浦区南苏州路955号,毗邻人民广场和宝格丽酒店。总建筑面积6233.12平米。这座青砖灰瓦砖木结构的石库门风格仓库,是上海绝无仅有的一幢典型英国式近代建筑,并被评为“上海市级优秀历史建筑。”YanQingLi is an warehouse located at Suzhou South Road NO. 955-991, with a total construction area of 6,233.12 square meters. This wooden old warehouse with gray titles was built in 1929. It is a typical English style building with three layers of gray tiles. Meanwhile, this building is regarded as one of the fifth group excellent historical buildings.博埃里建筑设计事务所(Stefano Boeri Architetti,简称SBA)创始人建筑师斯坦法诺·博埃里(Stefano Boeri)和博埃里建筑设计事务所中国合伙人、总经理胥一波博士(Dr. Yibo Xu)以保护文物建筑同时开发新建筑为出发点,制定了衍庆里项目改造设计的基本原则。Italian Architect Stefano Boeri and his China Partner Dr. Yibo Xu made the design principles based on the need of protection of historical relics and creating new fashionable office space.采用修旧如旧,以新补新的原则,充分尊重历史。改造过程中,SBA尽力保留了原建筑结构和材料,以向人们展示上海近代工业旧仓库文化风貌。建筑外从外看是典型的英国式三层青砖建筑,墙面为清水青砖和红砖组合,并局部使用水泥修饰。墙面上设置有连续的弧形券窗,风格规整而又复古。Adopt the principle of repairing the old as the old and filling the new with the new, and fully respect history. During the renovation process, SBA tried its best to retain the original building structure and materials to show people the cultural features of Shanghai's modern industrial warehouses. The exterior of the building is a typical British three-story blue brick building. The wall is a combination of clear water blue brick and red brick, and partially decorated with cement. There are continuous curved voucher windows on the wall, the style is regular and retro.项目信息对照表: 内容备注1项目名称百联集团时尚中心衍庆里 2设计方博埃里建筑设计事务所 3公司网站stefanoboeriarchitetti.net 4联系邮箱zbj13393408925@163.com 5项目设计 & 完成年份2018年 博埃里建筑设计事务所 衍庆里时尚中心改造,魔都风尚新地标_3551594博埃里建筑设计事务所 衍庆里时尚中心改造,魔都风尚新地标_3551594博埃里建筑设计事务所 衍庆里时尚中心改造,魔都风尚新地标_3551594博埃里建筑设计事务所 衍庆里时尚中心改造,魔都风尚新地标_3551594博埃里建筑设计事务所 衍庆里时尚中心改造,魔都风尚新地标_3551594