

紫悦 The School of Kunqu Opera in West Creek Village-建筑设计_421537歌剧院,建筑,文化建筑,建筑设计在4座破旧的房屋上建起了一所小型昆曲学校。歌剧学校可以提供一个儿童和村民学习昆曲的地方,每天都可以听到曲调,因为它可能在半个世纪前的昼夜发生。The School of Kunqu Opera in West Creek Village-建筑设计_421537The School of Kunqu Opera in West Creek Village-建筑设计_421537The School of Kunqu Opera in West Creek Village-建筑设计_421537The School of Kunqu Opera in West Creek Village-建筑设计_421537The School of Kunqu Opera in West Creek Village-建筑设计_421537